Mental Health Journal for 2022–2023

Trevor Lee
2 min readOct 24, 2022

Ever since the start of this pandemic, I have been depressed about a lot of things like not being able to land a new job that could have brought me a life full of happiness. I’m also feeling and understanding the sense that I have friends who are starting to have families of their own and have moved on from me, which makes me feel like I should just focus on my own life. When I was by myself buying groceries for my mom, I decided to get a Jamba Juice drink and chat with my uncle in LA. We talked about a lot of personal things and his family’s issue with remodeling their house for accessibility purposes in accordance with their special needs son. I mentioned to him that I have been feeling depressed about a lot of things and anxious about life, he noticed that I have anxiety and depression and that I should visit a therapist in person at a medical clinic. I have been chatting with a therapist on an app called Ginger that’s in accordance with Kaiser Permanente for the past several months. My therapist has been very helpful, supportive and patient with me in terms of helping me through some difficulties in my life. She’s able to provide me with useful strategies on how to handle my anxiety and depression by myself and I have shared with her some other personal things that I’m not going to mention in this story.

As of taking care of my mental health issues, I decided to chat with my primary care doctor and discuss my anxiety and depression at hand. He wanted to know about times that I have been worried about things, nervous or frantic which I had to confess up front to my doctor in a private conversation. I have been prescribed some medications to handle my issues of depression and I haven’t taken any antidepressants for my mental health issues, but I believe it’s important to love myself, enjoy what I have in front of me and to not stress about the little things in life. I understand that it was World Mental Health Day some days ago during the month of October and I knew that everyone was taking care of themselves in the best way possible probably with friends or just being alone in their own homes.

This entire month of December and in regards to the preparation of the holidays has created a major change in my mental health for 2022. I had to experience a very emotional loss in my family on my dad’s side of the family. The loss of my Grandma whom I have known my entire life and to see her physical health deteriorate has really broke me, but I have to take into consideration that she’s in Heaven and dancing with her loving husband Grandpa Fred. I wanted to know the life of my Grandpa Fred Lee, but he passed away at a very young age.

